Born to run é o título do livro de Christopher McDougall que continua a fazer furor no mundo da corrida. Leitura altamente recomendável mas, segundo o nosso pt Bruno Gonçalves, um tanto ou quanto perigosa... é que parece ter o efeito contagiante de criar uma vontade indomável de correr sem parar e... descalços! Moderação e tempo são necessários para evitar lesões... Por agora deixo-vos com um excerto do livro para aguçar o apetite pela leitura: “Way before we were scratching pictures on caves or beating rhythms on hollow trees we were perfecting the art of combining our breath and mind and muscles into fluid self-propulsion over wild terrain. And when our ancestors finally did make their first cave paintings, what were the first designs? A downward slash, lightning bolts through the bottom and middle — behold, the Running Man. Distance running was revered because it was indispensable; it was the way we survived and thrived and spread across the planet. You ran to eat and to avoid being eaten; you ran to find a mate and impress her, and with her you ran off to start a new life together. You had to love running, or you wouldn’t live to love anything else. And like everything else we love — everything we sentimentally call our ‘passions’ and ‘desires’, it’s really an encoded ancestral necessity. We were born to run; we were born because we run.“